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Bible commentaries are an excellent way to understand the details of Scripture, which are otherwise not readily discernible. Commentaries contain observations and interpretations of biblical texts. Most commentaries are usually structured consistent with the chronological order of the text and its sequential flow. There are different kinds of commentaries, which are specific to particular needs. For example, while Critical Commentaries engage the biblical text in its original language and offer scholarly perspective on the text, Exegetical Commentaries attempt to create an easy flow and bridge the gap between critical and expositional commentaries. Expositional Commentaries, which may be construed as "pastoral" commentaries are primarily focused on how to teach and preach the biblical text. One other example is Application Commentaries. These are usually devotional in style and are considered popular commentaries that offer biblical insights. Authors of such commentaries are usually not theologically trained. Notably, all commentaries are interpretations fully informed by the author's social context, theologies, and methods. Consequently, any student of the interpretive process must resist the temptation of taking information from these commentaries at face value. Rather, they must perform exegesis on the commentary as well as the biblical text. The section below offers brief descriptions of some of the major academic and relevant commentary in Biblical Studies.
The link below takes you to a curated list of commentaries suggested by Princeton Old Testament/Hebrew Bible faculty. There are several suggestions for each book of the OT/HB.
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