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Curated Bibliographies

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Diverse Voices Book Display

Book cover: Activist hermeneutics of liberation in the Bible : a global intersectional perspective
Book cover: Agony in the pulpit : Jewish preaching in response to Nazi persecution and mass murder : 1933-1945
Book cover: America's religions : from their origins to the twenty-first century
Book cover: American Lazarus : religion and the rise of African-American and Native American literatures
Book cover: Beyond welcome : centering immigrants in our Christian response to immigration
Book cover: The Bible's Many Voices
Book cover: The Christian Faith, 3rd edition
Book cover: Churches, Blackness, and Contested Multiculturalism : Europe, Africa, and North America
Book cover: The Dignity of Difference : how to avoid the clash of civilizations
Book cover: Disunity in Christ : uncovering the hidden forces that keep us apart
Book cover: Embracing Midlife: congregations as support systems
Book cover: Essays from the Margins
Book cover: Ethical Prophets Along the Way : those hall of famers
Book cover: Ethnicity, Race, Religion : identities and ideologies in early Jewish and Christian texts, and in modern biblical interpretation
Book cover: For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide, When the Rainbow Is Enuf
Book cover: Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement
Book cover: Hip Hop's Hostile Gospel: a post-soul theological exploration
Book cover: How sweet the sound: the message of our best-loved hymns
Book cover: An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
Book cover: Intercultural Church: a biblical vision for an age of migration
Book cover: Interrupting White Privilege : Catholic theologians break the silence
Book cover: Latina Evangelicas: a theological survey from the margins
Book cover: Listen to the Children / Escuchemos a los Ninos
Book cover: A Many Colored Kingdom: multicultural dynamics for spiritual formation
Book cover: Meaningful Flesh : reflections on religion and nature for a queer planet
Book cover: Mobile Bodies, Mobile Souls: family, religion and migration in a global world
Book cover: New Meanings for Ancient Texts
Book cover: Other Dreams of Freedom: religion, sex, and human trafficking
Book cover: The Oxford Handbook of African American Theology
Book cover: The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theology
Book cover: The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Race in American History
Book cover: Paul's gospel, empire, race, and ethnicity : through the lens of minoritized scholarship
Book cover: A Puerto Rican Decolonial Theology : prophesy freedom
Book cover: Queer Virtue: what LGBTQ people know about life and love and how it can revitalize Christianity
Book cover: Race & Place : how urban geography shapes the journey to reconciliation
Book cover: Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: a theology of worship for the turn-of-the-century culture
Book cover: Reconstructing the Gospel : finding freedom from slaveholder religion
Book cover: Rest is resistance : a manifesto
Book cover: Setting the Captives Free: the Bible and human trafficking
Blank book cover placeholder image: The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas
Book cover: Sustaining Faith Traditions : race, ethnicity, and religion among the Latino and Asian American second generation
Book cover: The Theft of Memory: losing my father, one day at a time
Book cover: Toward a Womanist Ethic of Incarnation: Black bodies, the Black church, and the Council of Chalcedon
Blank book cover placeholder for The Varieties of Religious Experience; a study in human nature, being the Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902

Diverse Voices - Overview

This guide highlights some of the many diverse voices that can be "heard" in the Wright Library collection.

"Diversity: Every voice can be heard in the silent pages of the books. Men, women, children, Black, White. Right here I can hear everyone & it's transformative." –Comment left on the #LibraryImpact poster during Theological Libraries Month, 2016

Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC) at Princeton Seminary

Diverse Voices - Princeton Theological Seminary Lectures

Princeton Theological Seminary 1812