Includes works written or edited by: Alexander Mikulich and Laurie M. Cassidy (editors); Andrea Smith; Andrew L. Whitehead and Samuel L. Perry; Ann Burlein; Anthea Butler; Antti Laine; Austin Channing Brown; Beth E. Richie; Bryan Stevenson; Cain Hope Felder; Carol Anderson; Chad Williams, Kidada E. Williams, Keisha N. Blain (editors); Christopher M. Driscoll and Monica R. Miller; Dylan Rodriguez; Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey; Eric L. Goldstein; Eric Williams; Frantz Fanon; Gary Dorrien; George Yancy (editor); Hasan Kwame Jeffries (editor); Helena Liu; Henry Louis Gates; Ibram X. Kendi; J. Kameron Carter; James Baldwin; James McBride; Jemar Tisby; Jennifer Harvey, Karin A. Case and Robin Hawley Gorsline (editors); Jina Fast; Joe R. Feagin; Joel Edward Goza; John Lewis; Jonathan Tran; Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove; Juda Bennet, Winnifred Brown-Glaude, Cassandra Jackson, Piper Kendrix Williams; Judy H. Katz; Kelly Brown Douglas; Keri Day; Kimberlé Crenshaw, et al. (editors); Kwok Pui-lan; Layla F. Saad; Leah Thomas; Lenny Duncan; Linda Martin Alcoff; Love L. Sechrest, Johnny Ramírez-Johnson and Amos Yong (editors); M. Lindsay Kaplan; Malcolm X; Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah; Mark Newman; Marthe Hesselmans; Maya Angelou; Michelle Alexander; Mike Hill; Moritz Graper; Nyasha Junior; Phil Allen, Jr., Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic (editors); Richard Wright; Robert P. Jones; Robin DiAngelo; Ruth Frankenberg, Rebecca Aanerud, Angie Chabrahm-Dernersesian, Phil Cohen, T. Muraleedharan and bell hooks; Shelly Tochluk; Stephanie Y. Mitchem; Toni Morrison; Willie James Jennings; Yara González-Justiniano
"In talking about racism, we often assume that this issue singularly affects people of color. However, the sin of racism has deeply affected the humanity of white communities. Racial hierarchy in this country was generated by whiteness, binding people of European descent to a category that would do profound violence to their own humanity. Whiteness is a form of structural sin that white people are embedded into, a system they did not choose but nevertheless benefit from. Princeton Seminary likewise participated in structures of whiteness through benefiting from the institution of slavery. Confession and atonement must be made for participating in and benefiting from structures of whiteness and the moral wounding and pain that whiteness has produced and continues to generate in the Seminary community." - Princeton Seminary and Slavery, p. 52.
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