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Lenten Book Display

Book cover: Turning over tables : a Lenten call for disrupting power
Book cover: The Resurrection of Peace: a Gospel Journey to Easter and Beyond
Book cover: Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal
Book cover: A time to grow : lenten lessons from the garden to the table
Book cover: Were you there? : Lenten reflections on the spirituals
Book cover: The Black Christ [Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition]
Title page: Readings for every day in Lent compiled from the writings of Bishop Jeremy Taylor 1867
Book cover: Lent of liberation : confronting the legacy of American slavery
Book cover: Lent in plain sight : a devotion through ten objects
Book cover: Christ our Passover has been sacrificed : a guide through paschal mystery spirituality, mystical theology in the Roman missal
Book cover: Lent for everyone : Luke : Year C
Book cover: Jesus Crucified: the baroque spirituality of St. Dimitri of Rostov
Book cover: The last week : the day-by-day account of Jesus's final week in Jerusalem
Book cover: Resurrection : texts and interpretation, experience and theology

Lent, Holy Week and Easter - In this guide

Lenten Devotionals by Princeton Theological Seminary



Selected Reading for Lent

General Collection Books (Stacks)

Selected Holy Week/Easter books listed by title

Reference Books

Reigner Reading Room Books

Selected Holy Week/Easter books listed by title — Click on the title to determine current shelving location.