Young Clergy Women InternationalYoung Clergy Women International is a network of the youngest ordained clergy women, defined as those under forty. YCWI seeks to provide members with opportunities for online relationship-building and wisdom-sharing.
Over 1600 young clergy women in number.
Women from across the US, as well as women who call Australia, Canada, Nigeria, Sweden, Mexico, and the UK (Scotland, Wales, and England), home.
Sisters serving in these denominations:
African Methodist Episcopal (AME), Anglican (Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Australia), Assemblies of God, Baptist (American, National, Cooperative, Alliance, and Australian), Church of Sweden, Church of the Brethren, Church of the Nazarene, Christian Reformed Church, Cumberland Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, The Episcopal Church, ELCA, ELCC, Moravian, Mennonite, Pan African Orthodox Christian, PCUSA, Presbyterian Church of Canada, Church of Scotland, Quaker, Reformed Church in America, Roman Catholic, Scottish Episcopal, Swedenborgian, United Church of Canada, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, United Reformed Church, Uniting Church in Australia, and Unitarian-Universalist